
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Being a Trep #1

Being an entrepreneur is not a lot about going to school. If you want to be a good entrepreneur you have to be in the crowd, you have to touch things. It is called experiential learning. Only a small amount of the population understand what it means to be an entrepreneur because only a small amount of the population are considered one. Even though a lot of things have been written about Entrepreneurship, this is a misunderstood concept of life.

People trends to be scared when they don't know somethings - misunderstood concept - and sometimes they think it is stupid which is even worst. Your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintance will tell you not do it and that you will fail. I am not going to lie, odds are against entrepreneurs especially in the field of technology. But Hey, Who cares? Failing is not that big of a deal, as long as you learn from it. I think it is one of the greatest quality of a trep because obviously you cannot always be right.

We do it for passion, we do it because we think that at some point we can change the world. We can change how our community and the world behave. If you don't do it by passion, then I am telling you and I am begging you, don't do it.

When I dropped out of school, everyone told me it was crazy but I thought that I had to do it. A year and a half later, I can tell you that I've learnt so much more about who I am, about what I can do and about where I want to go than any other CEGEP graduates. Everyday it was harder than going to school but everyday was also more satisfying than if I had gone to school all day.

My point is that it will be hard, it ain't no walk in the park. Just to get support from people around you might be hard at the beginning, but as soon as they will realize that you love what you do and that you are passionate about it you will get more support. You need to work real hard and you also need a lot of passion. Passion drives success, without it you fail.

Make them feel safe in the incertitude of entrepreneurship!

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